Page 17 - Inside Access-Oct 5th Edition
P. 17

Hong Kong
Contributed by Lota Anadu
The health of people who live in Switzerland is outrageously impressive. Like Norway, Switzerland's life expectancy is a factor for which the United Nations applauds the Swiss; particularly due to the lack of fatal diseases present in the residents of Switzerland. Surprisingly, even though Norway ranked higher than Switzerland for the title of the number one country to live, Switzerland's life expectancy is slighter higher than that of Norway. People in Switzerland live to be about eighty-three years old. Switzerland is a prime example of how taking care of yourself will result in wondrous things.
Hong Kong is a major international financial center with a high quality of life. Hong Kong has very low taxes, the highest income tax at 17%, making it attractive for businessmen. Additionally, like many of the other countries on this list, Hong Kong has very low crime rates despite being a very densely populated urban area. Many believe that Hong Kong is the perfect blend of East and West cultures with colonial buildings, temples, and ancient traditions and festivals living side-by-side with modern public transportation and tall glass skyscrapers.
Sweden has a strong social welfare system, providing strong healthcare and free education. Sweden's social model focuses on growth, equality, freedom, and security. Sweden also has great conditions for workers, such as a minimum of five weeks vacation and a government organization that supports entrepreneurs looking to start a company. Lastly, like the other Nordic countries, Sweden has very low rates of violent crime (1.14 incidents per 100,000 people) and ranks well for overall health and wellbeing.

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