P. 19

Riddle Time
Need a little break to unwind with some fun brainteasers? Check out some of the best riddles of all time. They start off easy, and some are perfect riddles for kids. Others, however, are hard and may require you to be a math whiz.
I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stone and cities with no buildings. What am I?
With pointed fangs I sit and wait; with piercing force I crunch out fate; grabbing victims, proclaiming might; physically joining with a single bite. What am I?
The person who 1makes it has no need of it; the person who buys it has no use for it. The person who uses it can neither see nor feel it. What is it?
I am always hungry and will die if not fed, but whatever I touch will soon turn red. What am I?
What word is pronounced the same if you take away four of its five letters?
What is the end of everything?
A girl has as many brothers as sisters, but each brother has only half as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family?
What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat and 2/4 goat?
I am a word of letters three; add two and fewer there will be. What word am I?
I’m found in socks, scarves and mittens; and often in the paws of playful kittens. What am I?
Read Inside Access to the end to reveal the answers. No cheating.
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